Five Money Saving Plumbing Tips

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It behooves every Edmonton homeowner to look for ways to save money on their utility bills. The good thing is that there are dozens of cash saving techniques available to all, ranging in simple usage changes to the installation of new efficient appliances. The good thing to remember is that money saving plumbing tactics all save dough eventually, even if they require a larger upfront investment. Examine these 5 top tips to see which ones fit within your budget.

Lower Water Temperature on Water Heater

There's no doubt that a hot shower does wonders to sooth a person, especially after a long day of work or a night out in the cold. That being said, how much more relaxing is a 140 degree bath than a 120 degree one? By default most hot water heaters come from the manufacturer with a temperature setting of 140 degrees. This is partly to astound the customer when they feel how instantly warm the water is and also to eliminate the slight risk of passing on legionella bacteria. By turning down the water heater to 120° a homeowner can expect to save up to 10 percent on energy costs and reduce the risk of scalding.

Replace / Repair a Leaky Toilet

Another drain on your energy bills is a leaky toilet. A toilet that is constantly dripping or refills every 20 minutes can waste up to 7,000 gallons a month. This goes without mention the random toilet filling in throughout the middle of the night that makes you think you have a roommate with a bad prostate. It can take as little as $3 to fix a bad flapper and can save you up to $840 in a year. If you replace that toilet altogether with a low flow model the savings can be well over $1000 in a single year.

Use Low-Flow Faucets

We've all been preached to about how much money goes literally down the drain when the water is left running while brushing teeth in the morning. Most of us have curbed that bad habit but we can make the morning and evening routine even more energy-friendly with the use of low flow faucets. These devices can reduce water usage by 20-50 percent a year by either mixing air within the water or lowering the output from around 2.2 gallons per minute down to 1.5.

Get a Plumbing Inspection

By having an expert examine the plumbing throughout your home you can see if you're losing water (thus money) through leaks, blockage, or other inhibitors. By finding and fixing leaks early, you not only save money but limit the chances of catastrophic damage down the line. The inspector or professional will also check to make sure shutoff valves and sump pumps work just in case of emergency. In even more detail the plumber will make sure things like a refrigerator's ice machine is functioning to help avoid damage to a kitchen floor.

Use Flood Detectors

There are devices that sell for around $20 that can be hooked up to appliances such as a washing machine to detect leaks and overflow and subsequently shut off the device or shut down the water supply. These small units provide a sound piece of mind when you start a load of wash and leave the house and could save thousands of dollars in damage if a washer were to overflow and drip down into the drywall of the room below. They always say it's better to be safe than soaked.