Edmonton Bathroom / Help and Tips

05 Sep

Valleyview Superstation Houses the Best Washroom in Alberta

By Brham Trim (Edmonton) Bathroom 3482 Views

When was the last time you visited Valleyview? If you answered ‘not recently’ or ‘never,’ then maybe the time has come to put it on your to do list. Why? Because in that little town of less than 2,000 people lies possibly the nicest public restroom in the province!

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16 May

Duty Free Shop Claims 2015 Washroom Award

By Brham Trim (Edmonton) Bathroom 3545 Views

What does a public restroom say about the business that provides it? We at the Gentlemen Plumbers believe that the decoration, facilities, and maintenance of an organization’s washroom is indicative of how that organization feels about its customers...

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07 Feb

Southeast Calgary Restaurant’s British Themed Loo

By Brham Trim (Edmonton) Bathroom 2934 Views

At the Gentlemen Plumbers, we believe that customer service is central to any good business, and that a company’s public washroom is an expression of their dedication to their customers. As such, we are always looking for the nicest, greatest, or just plain old cool restrooms...

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06 Sep

The Toilet Bubble of the Shaw Centre

By Brham Trim (Edmonton) Bathroom 2812 Views

When the new Shaw Centre – previously called the Ottawa Convention Centre – opened its doors to the public in 2011, it’s ‘space age’ aesthetics immediately set it apart from other convention venues around the world. But while the centre itself may be cool, the real question is clearly: how are the toilets?

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